Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

characteristics of active learners

  1. An active learner takes advantage of extra credit opportunities if offered. She demonstrates a concern about her grades and is willing to work to improve them. An active learner often does the optional (and frequently challenging) assignments that other students pass up, such as giving a five-minute presentation on a key figure or event in history.
  2. A successful student participates in class discussion, even if his attempts are a bit clumsy at first. He asks questions that the instructor knows many in the class are bound to have, provided they are listening.
  3. Taking full responsibility for her own learning, a successful student see the instructor before or after class about grades, comments on returned papers, or about an upcoming test. Sometimes she just wants to ask a question or make a comment relative to class discussion.
  4. An active learner turns in assignments that look neat and sharp. He takes time to produce a final product that looks good, a reflection of a caring attitude and pride in his work.
  5. An active learner is attentive in class. She doesn't chat, read, or stare out of the window. In other words, she is polite and graceful, even if she is a bit bored.
  6. Successful students complete all assignments.
  7. Successful students are active learners, taking full responsibility for their own learning.

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

How to be an Active Learner

Of all the emotions that flow through your head when you go back to college, shyness seems to be one of the biggest emotions present. Shyness and fear can stop you from becoming the active learner that you desire to be. You may be too shy to volunteer to lead a group or too filled with fear to raise your hand when you know the answer to a question.

Are you a passive or active learner? This could be the difference between failure or success in school.
Many students approach learning much like watching TV, passively watch, listen and without thinking and understanding. They expect the professors will spoon-feed them all.
Wrong! The courses you take in school or the exams you prepare require you to MASTER it and be tested on. You need to be an active learner to accomplish that.
But how?
Let me give you four simple and tangible ways you can do, starting today, to become an active learner.

How to be a Good Learner



This unit is designed to help you become a better learner.
Studying at University can present you with situations in which you can become anxious and worried:
  • how well are you doing?
  • you don't understand
  • other students seem better than you
  • having to give a presentation to other students
  • all sorts of other things.
You wouldn't be normal if you didn't have these worries but what you need to come to terms with is that learning is all about being unsure and uncertain; you wouldn't be here studying if you knew it all!
What you need to do is to start to think that being here is an opportunity for you in all sorts of ways - and that the staff at UWIC is here to help you.
Remember: If in doubt. Ask.

How to improve your vocabulary

There are many ways to improve your vocabulary. When working to improve your vocabulary it's important to know your goals in order to best choose the way in which you want to learn. Reading can be a great way to improve your vocabulary. However, it won't be much help on a vocabulary test next week. Here are a number of methods to help you improve, and expand, your English vocabulary.